If you were to lose a a limb, such as an arm, how would you feel? You would feel powerless right? Well, not anymore! With the technology that they have now you can actually get a robotic arm, doctors now have the power to do a brain surgery on someone with say ALS and give them the opportunity to have a robotic arm and actually be able to feel what the arm touches! When they go into surgery the put sensors on your brain that are connected to the arm that you have, whatever you are thinking goes to your arm through those sensors! So if you think about moving your arm up, down, to the left, right, it will move that way! Isn't it amazing the technology that they have now? To be able to be given a second chance in life and live the way you would normally live, but through technology! We often take for granted the things that we have, so take a chance today and think about how far we've come and what technology has done over the years, it's amazing!

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