I have yet to watch the movie The Internship, but from what I have heard from everyone else that has watched it I was told it's a great movie. Not only is it funny, but it tells a story. Googliness means a lot of things and reading all of them I believe that I have what it takes to be "googley" there are about 12 different things that categorize you to be "googley" and reading them I believe I have all of the Characteristics. When I read the description I don't just think of myself, but of everyone in my family. All of my family members strive to be excellent and have a great sense of humor, Two of the qualities that it takes to be "googley", but that's not just it. I believe that we have everything that it takes to be "googley".  
On November 22nd,1963 president John F. Kennedy was assassinated when he was shot by a sniper while riding in a motorcade through downtown Dallas. This event happened 50 years ago and is still remembered to this day. I would believe that people who were around when this happened would remember where they were because this was such a shocking event! It is similar to the event of 9/11 because no one saw it coming, everyone loved JFK. If people had the social media that we have now, there might have been a better reaction to what had happened. If people had facebook or twitter back then , everyone would have known about it right when it happened! I don't think that today's technology would have had any effect on the completion of the assassination! 
I believe that gaming in education could have its pro's and con's. Gaming could help students because of it being something fun and entertaining, like studying. If you could play games to help you study I believe that kids would actually take the time to study if they knew that it would be something fun to do! Technology is becoming such an important factor in our every day lives that it would be so easy for me to study through gaming on my ipad. Some of the con's about gaming would be the fact that no one would pay attention to the material that they are studying, they would just be playing the game. Students might also bring up the fact that if they are allowed to play games when they're studying, why can't they play games all the time even if they have nothing to do about the topic you are studying.