I believe in some ways I have taken the path of least resistance, but in some ways I have not. Some say that classes are "so  simple" others say "they're so hard" I take the classes that interest me and the ones that I believe I would benefit from. I stopped my math courses after I finished Algebra 2 last year and in some ways I regret it, but in others I don't because I know that I don't want a career that involves calc or physics! I think that some people don't exactly apply all of their knowledge to what they should be applying it too! When I think about all of the classes that I have taken throughout High School I don't regret much of them because I know that now I have a better understanding of a large variety of subjects that before High School I didn't know or care about! I think that motivation is a huge factor in High School, college, etc. If you don't have the motivation then you will never know how to fully apply yourself or what your full potential is. I think that the iPads that were given to Ethiopians is an amazing thing because they never had the opportunity that other kids in say The United States have, we take for granted the education and technology that we have and I don't think that we truly understand what we have!