This class is teaching me a lot of things that I thought I knew about, but I really didn't. Multimedia Applications is a chance for me to work on projects that interest me. I'm hoping that in this course I learn things that I can take with me and apply in college and the work industry after I graduate. I hope to succeed and do well in this class, I will settle for nothing less than what I deserve. I'm the type of person that won't turn in a project until I know that it is to my standards. My goals for every class are pretty much the same, I think that if I apply myself and I work hard that good things will happen. If I slack off and don't do my work then I will get what I deserve, but that won't happen because that's not the type of person I am. My intended grade for this semester is to be an A, if it's not than I will know that I didn't work as hard as I know I can. Once I am committed to something, I'm all in. I can't stand when someone makes a commitment and then doesn't do anything about it. My theory is that if you don't succeed in what you do, you didn't try hard enough because anything is possible if you believe it is.